Urgent Transmission: Call from the KSIA Director!
The Shadowy Syndicate has appeared on Kaia Island.
All agents are requested to gather at Kaia Island and counter the Shadowy Syndicate.
▶ [Operation: Target Takedown Report]
Top secret orders have been issued to eliminate Shadow Monsters.
Visit Paperman and Black Rose to obtain the "Spy's Pistol" weapon, then take down the Shadow Monsters that have taken over Kaia Island!
You can earn various rewards, including Name Tags, from "Rookie Agent" to "HQ Commander".
By defeating a certain number of Shadow Monsters, you can obtain the "Shadow Monster Suit," which makes infiltration easier.

▶ Collect the Spy Cards!
Emergency orders have been issued to recover Spy Cards.
Complete various missions, including finding the hidden marks of the Shadow Syndicate, and collect Spy Cards!
Collecting Spy Cards will allow you to disguise yourself as a perfect spy with the "Sculpted Spy Hair" and "Spy Suit".
※ You can check the secret missions by tapping the + icon on the event page.

▶ Covert Mission Attendance
A special attendance event has started where you can receive special rewards just by checking in for 7 days!
Don’t miss out on the "Special Spy Watch" and "Spy Gear Bag," which seem ordinary but hide advanced technology!
You must touch the "Event" icon at the top right of the game screen to receive rewards. If you don’t stamp your attendance, you won't receive the rewards.

▶ Black Rose Draw!
The professional spy, "Black Rose," who disarms her enemies with her beauty!
Now, you can meet her at the "Black Rose Draw."
With the "Black Spy Gun" and "Black Spy Convertible," any spy mission will be a piece of cake!
※ A themed event draw will take place, where you can earn "Special Rewards" based on the number of draws.
However, special reward points are not accumulated if you perform draws via other discounts or offers.

▶ New Card Collection "Kaia Island Encyclopedia"!
A new card collection event, "Kaia Island Encyclopedia," has begun.
Spring is for outings! Collect various themes and receive generous rewards such as the "Astute Face" and "Dr. Know-It-All" name tags while pondering where to go and which restaurants to visit!
※ All previously collected card data will be reset when the new card collection event begins.

▶ Illustrated Book UI Improvements
To improve the usability of the Illustrated Book, the following UI updates will be made.
1. A main page for the Illustrated Book will be added.
- A main page that allows you to see the progress of the Illustrated Book and Collection at a glance will be added.
- The main page will display the main tabs for 'Pet Collection', 'Critter Collection', 'Fish Book', 'Fossil Collection', and 'Collection'.
- By selecting a main tab, you will be redirected to the corresponding Illustrated Book or Collection page.
2. Sub-tabs will be added within the Illustrated Book.
- Each Illustrated Book will be organized into sub-tabs to make it easier to check the information.
- For the Fishing Book, a 'Fishing White Paper' will be added at the top of the UI, where you can view fishing-related guides.
3. The Collection UI will be improved.
- The Collection's representative icon and achievement gauge will be added, allowing you to easily distinguish the Collection and see the progress.
- Filters for 'View All', 'In Progress', and 'Completed' will be added, making it easier to view the Collection list based on its status.

▶ Club Usability Improvements
The following usability improvements will be made to the Club.
1. A public/private option will be added when creating a Club.
- If public is selected, the Club will be displayed in the Club list.
- If private is selected, the Club will not be displayed in the Club list, and membership will be by invitation only.
※ Existing Clubs will have their visibility set based on the membership method.
2. The number of Clubs you can join and the number of Club members will be increased.
- The number of Clubs you can join will increase from 1 to 3.
- The number of Club members will increase from 60 to 100.
- The number of selectable tags will increase from 3 to 10.
3. An icon to change the Club's photo will be added.
4. A 'Club' menu will be added to the Profile page.
5. A function to set the language tag used in the Club will be added.
▶ Other Updates and Changes
- The Event Home will be divided into 'Limited' and 'Constant' event tabs based on the type of event.
- When crafting Beaver and Pink Beaver pets from Gandalpink, new recipes will be added that use regular Beaver and Pink Beaver Fish.
- Other UI and convenience features will be enhanced.
- Some in-game error phenomena will be fixed.
※ Please Note
- Update schedule details to be announced separately.
- The update details and improvements are not finalized. Changes or additions may happen, and a separate notice will be posted if this is the case.
- The screenshots used for the update note were taken during the development phase. Details may vary in the actual update.
We hope your time on Kaia Island is enjoyable.
Thank you.
*Posting Date: 2025-03-05 (UTC+9)
The Shadowy Syndicate has appeared on Kaia Island.
All agents are requested to gather at Kaia Island and counter the Shadowy Syndicate.
▶ [Operation: Target Takedown Report]
Top secret orders have been issued to eliminate Shadow Monsters.
Visit Paperman and Black Rose to obtain the "Spy's Pistol" weapon, then take down the Shadow Monsters that have taken over Kaia Island!
You can earn various rewards, including Name Tags, from "Rookie Agent" to "HQ Commander".
By defeating a certain number of Shadow Monsters, you can obtain the "Shadow Monster Suit," which makes infiltration easier.

▶ Collect the Spy Cards!
Emergency orders have been issued to recover Spy Cards.
Complete various missions, including finding the hidden marks of the Shadow Syndicate, and collect Spy Cards!
Collecting Spy Cards will allow you to disguise yourself as a perfect spy with the "Sculpted Spy Hair" and "Spy Suit".
※ You can check the secret missions by tapping the + icon on the event page.

▶ Covert Mission Attendance
A special attendance event has started where you can receive special rewards just by checking in for 7 days!
Don’t miss out on the "Special Spy Watch" and "Spy Gear Bag," which seem ordinary but hide advanced technology!
You must touch the "Event" icon at the top right of the game screen to receive rewards. If you don’t stamp your attendance, you won't receive the rewards.

▶ Black Rose Draw!
The professional spy, "Black Rose," who disarms her enemies with her beauty!
Now, you can meet her at the "Black Rose Draw."
With the "Black Spy Gun" and "Black Spy Convertible," any spy mission will be a piece of cake!
※ A themed event draw will take place, where you can earn "Special Rewards" based on the number of draws.
However, special reward points are not accumulated if you perform draws via other discounts or offers.

▶ New Card Collection "Kaia Island Encyclopedia"!
A new card collection event, "Kaia Island Encyclopedia," has begun.
Spring is for outings! Collect various themes and receive generous rewards such as the "Astute Face" and "Dr. Know-It-All" name tags while pondering where to go and which restaurants to visit!
※ All previously collected card data will be reset when the new card collection event begins.

▶ Illustrated Book UI Improvements
To improve the usability of the Illustrated Book, the following UI updates will be made.
1. A main page for the Illustrated Book will be added.
- A main page that allows you to see the progress of the Illustrated Book and Collection at a glance will be added.
- The main page will display the main tabs for 'Pet Collection', 'Critter Collection', 'Fish Book', 'Fossil Collection', and 'Collection'.
- By selecting a main tab, you will be redirected to the corresponding Illustrated Book or Collection page.
2. Sub-tabs will be added within the Illustrated Book.
- Each Illustrated Book will be organized into sub-tabs to make it easier to check the information.
- For the Fishing Book, a 'Fishing White Paper' will be added at the top of the UI, where you can view fishing-related guides.
3. The Collection UI will be improved.
- The Collection's representative icon and achievement gauge will be added, allowing you to easily distinguish the Collection and see the progress.
- Filters for 'View All', 'In Progress', and 'Completed' will be added, making it easier to view the Collection list based on its status.

▶ Club Usability Improvements
The following usability improvements will be made to the Club.
1. A public/private option will be added when creating a Club.
- If public is selected, the Club will be displayed in the Club list.
- If private is selected, the Club will not be displayed in the Club list, and membership will be by invitation only.
※ Existing Clubs will have their visibility set based on the membership method.
2. The number of Clubs you can join and the number of Club members will be increased.
- The number of Clubs you can join will increase from 1 to 3.
- The number of Club members will increase from 60 to 100.
- The number of selectable tags will increase from 3 to 10.
3. An icon to change the Club's photo will be added.
4. A 'Club' menu will be added to the Profile page.
5. A function to set the language tag used in the Club will be added.
▶ Other Updates and Changes
- The Event Home will be divided into 'Limited' and 'Constant' event tabs based on the type of event.
- When crafting Beaver and Pink Beaver pets from Gandalpink, new recipes will be added that use regular Beaver and Pink Beaver Fish.
- Other UI and convenience features will be enhanced.
- Some in-game error phenomena will be fixed.
※ Please Note
- Update schedule details to be announced separately.
- The update details and improvements are not finalized. Changes or additions may happen, and a separate notice will be posted if this is the case.
- The screenshots used for the update note were taken during the development phase. Details may vary in the actual update.
We hope your time on Kaia Island is enjoyable.
Thank you.
*Posting Date: 2025-03-05 (UTC+9)